Booking the Band

To book Bocking Concert Brass, contact the Booking secretary here,
or by phone - 07855 646153


Booking Procedure and Costs

After an initial contact has been made and discussed, the Booking Secretary will send a letter or e-mail stating the date, the venue, start and finish times, seating requirements, fee, and any special arrangements. On receipt of an acknowledgement of this letter/e-mail in writing by the Booking Secretary, the booking will be regarded as confirmed.

Bookings are usually for a maximum of 2 hours which includes a 30 minute break for the band. The general format for the performance is 45 minute playing time followed by a 30 minute break and then a further 45 minute playing time. The band is happy to adjust playing times within this 2 hour period as best suits the hirer. The fee for this is £300. However, requests for variations to these booking conditions will be considered and should be discussed with the Booking Secretary.


Suitable parking should be provided where possible for the band. Arrangements should be made to allow the band to unload instruments and other necessities very close to the playing area and then to park close by.

Seating and setting up

Seating for approximately 30 people should be provided by the hirer as well as a suitable space for the band to set out chairs. This can be discussed with the Booking Secretary if in doubt.

Once at the venue, the Band will require time to set up - at least three quarters of an hour prior to the playing time, possibly longer in certain circumstances. If there is a shared arena, then details will need to be resolved of how and when the interchange between performances will take place.

Adverse Weather and Cancellations

Unfortunately, in wet weather, the band is unable to play unless adequate cover is provided for the full band and its equipment. Whilst the band will endeavour to play as much of the time booked as possible, the full fee is still payable even if play is interrupted. Should you wish the band to be able to play in adverse conditions it is essential that suitable covered accommodation such as a marquee or large gazebo is in place.


If the forecast is poor and there is no suitable shelter available the client may cancel a booking by contacting the Booking Secretary by on the day of the performance at the latest. In this case no fee will be payable. If less notice is given then the full fee will be charged.


Invoices will be sent shortly before the performance date and should be paid within 30 days of the event. Payment can be by Bank Transfer or Cheque as detailed on the invoice, or by cash to the Booking Secretary on the day. Receipts will only be provided on request.

Requests for variations to any of the above booking conditions should be made to the Booking Secretary and all requests for variations will be considered and discussed by the Committee if necessary before a decision is made.